08-29 Biopolis, Bleue Montréal, Civic and Political Engagement - Sophie Paradis
Join us on Thursday, August 29th 2019 for our talk with Sophie Paradis, director for Québec of WWF - Canada. During this talk, we will hear about the Montreal-started initiative, BIOPOLIS from WWF-Canada, that promotes a vast array of biodiversity-related projects in Canadian cities. WWF-Canada is looking for project proposals with innovative approaches and is open to all who have ideas to better the biodiversity in their neighbourhood.

Sophie Paradis started her career in journalism abroad (India, Honduras, Marocco) and then specialized in environmental questions. This change in her career led her towards a general co-director position for the Québec chapter of the Société pour la nature et les parcs du Canada (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - CPAWS), a non-governmental organization for the protection and the conservation of the territory where she lead the campaigns for the Magpie river and the watershed for the Restigouche river. From 2011 to 2015, Sophie Paradis help a position as sustainable development coordinator in Longueuil, working on the strategic plan for the sustainable development and of other municipal policies on sustainable development goals. She sat and still seats on numerous expert committees, including the Table des partenaires du Plan Nord, l'Observatoire global du St-Laurent and La Transformerie. Ms. Paradis led several conference talks on sustainable development planning in an urban setting, namely the INFRA on expert panel and in research on urban infrastructures. Since 2015, Sophie Paradis is the director for the Québec chapter of WWF-Canada. She speaks regularly at conferences on biodiversity et urban resilience, as well as other challenges in conservation, in Québec and abroad
- Join us for a talk with Sophie Paradis, on Thursday, August 29th at 4 PM EST.
- Take part in the discussion - share with us a species at risk from your region.
Check out these ressources:
Québec chapter - WWF-Canada (including Bleue Montréal)
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
Species at risk public registry
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES)
Continue to 10-21 Southern Resident Killer Whales - Rachel Schoeler »
Recording - National call with Sophie Paradis Password: 20SuperiorTimes19
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