07-30 Youth Engagement in Environmental Leadership - Crista Valentino
Join us July 30th at 11:00am (PST) for a national call about youth engagement in environmental leadership. Our speaker, Crista Valentino, will be speaking to her 6 tips for highly effective social entrepreneurs, why it's important to find your purpose and discover the impact you want to have, and to think of the change we want to create so we can inspire others.
Crista co-founded CoalitionWILD in 2013 after an invitation from the WILD Foundation to address the lack of support and visibility available to younger generations in the environmental sector. She continues to lobby for a stronger integration of youth voices and empowerment in organizational and business decision making, and has achieved this through recently co-publishing an intergenerational leadership toolkit for conservation and leading multiple projects that accelerate and further initiatives around the world being led by young people for nature. Crista is the North American Focal Point for the World Commission on Protected Areas Young Professionals, was named Wyoming’s Top 40 under 40, and is on the Executive Committee for the 11th World Wilderness Congress.
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Caitlin Pierzchalski Resource: 2011.3 days ago