How to Navigate Community Tools




Hello/Bonjour! In this video you will be learning how to navigate the community tools on the TIG ed website. Again you can access this directly through teams or through your browser as is shown here. Please ensure that you are also logged in as some community tools are only available when you are logged in.

You can access community tools in the navigation pane on the left hand side of the TIGed website.

The first tool you’ll see is maps, here you can see where your fellow cohort members are located, where past Ocean Bridgers are located, and where current Ocean Bridge staff are located. To add yourself to the map you can reference the page under module 1 called “A New Wave of Ocean Leaders”.

Below maps you will see that there are two announcement pages– Opportunities for Ocean Bridgers and Opportunities by Ocean Briders

In the Opportunities for Ocean Bridgers page, we will be posting announcements of opportunities that you might be interested in. For example we currently have the Sustainable Ocean Conference -  call for abstracts opportunity posted for you.

The  Opportunities by Ocean Bridgers  page is for you to be posting any call outs for volunteers you may need for your action project. This page will be public facing for anyone to see, and Ocean bridge’s sister program YouthToSea will have access to this page as well. There will be a separate tutorial available that will guide you on how to write and post your own announcement.

The resources tool contains items that can support you through your time as an Ocean Bridger. Please take some time to explore the subfolders to find out what resources are available to you. Some examples include the indigenous resources folder, and the skills building resources folder.

The next community tool is the gallery, here you can view photos of learning journeys and reflections from previous years. Additionally, there is a folder that highlights action projects which you can view to draw some inspiration from. This folder showcases all the different types of action projects since the program began in 2018. We encourage you to add to this folder with photos of your action projects  as well! A separate tutorial will be available to guide you through how to post your own photos in the gallery.

Finally, the last community tool available is this participants Tool. It  allows you to see who else is signed up on the TIG website, whether that be current Ocean Bridgers, alumni, or staff.

I hope this video has taught you how to navigate and use the community tools on the TIG webpage. 

Thank you merci!

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