How to Upload an Opportunity




Hello/Bonjour.  Welcome back to the TIGed webpage. In this video I will be walking you through how to post an opportunity in the Opportunities by Ocean Bridgers announcement page.

If you have an opportunity for your action project that you’d like to share you can simply follow these steps

  1. First visit the opportunities by Ocean Bridgers page and download the instructions on the pinned announcement.
  2. Next, Draft your announcement by following the guidelines on the document in your preferred language
    1.  Ensure that you include the following
      1.  Project Description
      2. Volunteer Responsibilities
      3. Commitment – including the date, time, Location
      4. Contact info – specifically your account
      5. And a Photo

Once you have completed this send it to for translation

Once translated, it will be posted for you in both English and French and someone will let you know when the post is live so you can share with your network. Additionally, your opportunity will also be shared as an announcement in the general chat on TEAMs.

Please send your description ideally within 2-3 weeks before you need your volunteers to allow for translation and for people to plan accordingly.

Here is a recap the steps

  1. Download the guidelines from TIGed
  2. Draft your announcement following the guidelines
  3. Send your draft to
  4. Once posted share with your network

I hope this video gave you guidance on how to post your own volunteer opportunities. I look forward to seeing what fun opportunities you folks come up with!

Thank you/ Merci

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