#BePlasticWise and Share Your Experiences
For this challenge, you will pledge to be Plastic Wise and will share your experience following the monthly challenges!
Plastic is filling our oceans at the rate of one dump truck full every minute. Tiny zooplankton that support the ocean food chain are mistaking plastic for food. Seabirds are found with plastic pieces in their bellies. Ocean Wise is tackling the global crisis of plastic waste in our ocean and you can be part of these bold solutions. It's time to and break your plastic pattern and protect our ocean!
By signing the #BePlasticWise Pledge you will get a monthly challenge, links to inspiring stories and practical tips for reducing your single-use plastic items.
Here is what you need to do:
- Sign-up to the Plastic Wise pledge. Find out the challenge of the month. Past monthly challenges have included:
- Coffee Break: Skip the plastic lined paper cup
- Eating Out: Carry a reusable container and cutlery
- Quench Your Thirst: Use a reusable drink container
- Get Outside and Play: Get outside and pick up litter
- Cut The Strap: Skip products bundled in plastic straps
2. Share your experience of becoming #Plastic Wise. You can do this any way you want. Be creative! Some ideas are:
- Write a blog post or share your thoughts on our Discussion page. Create a photo essay, upload photos to our gallery or make a video. Consider these questions in your reflection: Will this challenge inspire new habits of reducing plastic? How prevalent is plastic in your day-to-day life? Was it difficult to find alternatives?
- Regularly post on social media. Tweet, post an Instagram picture or post to Facebook using our hashtags #OceanBridge #LeadersToday and tag @OceanWise @leaderstoday and @SocDevSoc
- See if you can speak about your experience of becoming #Plastic Wise at a local school or community centre
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