Do Sustainable Seafood Outreach
For this challenge, you will go to various restaurants and supermarkets in your community and share information about the importance of sustainable seafood.
Over 1 billion people depend on seafood as their primary source of protein. According to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), almost 90% of the world's fish stocks are fully fished or overfished. Ocean Wise Seafood recommends seafood based on 4 criteria. A recommended species is:
- Abundant and resilient to fishing pressures
- Well managed with a comprehensive management plan based on current research
- Harvested in a method that ensures limited bycatch on non-target and endangered speceis
- Harvested in ways that limit damage to marine or aquatic habitats and negative interactions with other species
With over 700 Ocean Wise Seafood partners and thousands of locations across Canada, the Ocean Wise Seafood program is an easy way for consumers to make sustainable seafood choices.

Here is what you need to do:
- Research sustainable seafood programs like Ocean Wise Seafood. Have a good understanding of the problems of over-fishing as well as sustainable seafood options in your area. Download the Ocean Wise Seafood App for easy reference. You can also take the 30 minute Ocean Wise Sustainable Seafood Ambassador Training course to gain insight into sustainable fishing methods, aquaculture and the Ocean Wise program. Look into other great sustainable seafood programs including Seafood Watch and SeaChoice.
- Gather your materials. Your OceanBridge coordinator can send you Ocean Wise Seafood Pamphlets. Ocean Wise Seafood Pamphlets can be printed in English, French, and Chinese. There are specialized pamphlets for BC and Ontario.
- Choose restaurants and supermarkets to visit. You can visit Ocean Wise partners and thank them for for their role in helping our oceans. You can also visit restaurants and supermarkets that are not partners. Ask for the person responsible for sourcing seafood. If possible, engage this person (and others!) in conversations around sustainable seafood, hand out a pamphlet and encourage them to sign up to be an Ocean Wise Seafood partner. Be respectful even if they don't have time to chat with you :)
- Be active on social media! Tweet, post an Instagram picture or post to Facebook using our hashtags #OceanBridge #LeadersToday and tag @OceanWise @leaderstoday and @SocDevSoc. Tag the restaurants and supermarkets who are already Ocean Wise Seafood partners and congratulate them for doing their part for ocean conservation.
- Follow up! Visit the same restaurants and supermarkets again a couple weeks later, especially those who showed interest in becoming Ocean Wise Seafood certified.
- Share your experience. Tag your service on our Ocean Service Activities map. Take photos and share them on our community space gallery, write a blog or post about your experience on the discussion board. Consider these questions: Was it challenging to talk about sustainable seafood to restaurants and supermarkets? Were you asked any interesting questions? Had most heard of sustainable seafood programs before?
Ready to take it to the next level?
Learn about Surfrider's Ocean Friendly Restaurant Program. Restaurants who follow a certain criteria (Ex. Proper recycling practices, no expanded polystyrene) are able to get certified as an Ocean Friendly Restaurant. Consider reaching out to restaurants about the Ocean Friendly Restaurant Program as well as the Ocean Wise's Seafood Program.
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