Run an Outreach Booth
For this challenge, you will run outreach booth at a local event in your community!
Outreach education is an important part of engaging the public in conservation efforts. Depending on your location, you can engage audiences who might otherwise never have come in contact with your message. Running an outreach booth is a great way to improve your communication skills and engage with people of all ages and backgrounds.

Here is what you need to do:
- Find an event to attend. Look for environmental themed symposiums and conferences, science fairs markets and events (film screenings, panel discussions etc.). Check for events being run by other conservation organizations including CPAWS and Surfrider. See if there are any Shoreline Cleanups being run in your area. Once you've found an event, contact the organizers and ask if you can attend.
- Gather your supplies. You may need a tent, a table and a chair. If you don't have access to these items, ask the event organizers. Another organization you are connected to may also be able to lend you some items.
- Prepare your outreach supplies. What is the message that you would like to convey? Your coordinators can send you Ocean Bridge Business Cards, GCSC pamphlets, Plastic Wise Pamphlets and Ocean Wise Seafood Pamphlets (You can print Ocean Wise Seafood Pamphlets in English, French, and Chinese. There are specialized pamphlets for BC and Ontario). Be creative with making/sourcing other materials! Ideas include:
- Pictures of marine and/or freshwater species you can find in your area. Create a simple 'Identify the species' or 'Match the species to a habitat' game
- Pictures of your Ocean Health Service in Haida Gwaii
- Garbage collected at a local Shoreline Cleanup
- Create an activity to represent an idea (ex. Buckets of water showing that it takes 3L of water to make 1L of bottled water)
- Laptop showing videos and allowing people to easily sign up for the Plastic Wise pledge
- Provide crayons and colouring sheets for children to colour. Ask older youth and adults to write a Love Letter to the Sea.
4. Let us know what you are doing! Talk to your Ocean Bridge coordinator. Tweet, post an Instagram picture or post to Facebook using our hashtags #OceanBridge #LeadersToday and tag @OceanWise @leaderstoday and @SocDevSoc
- Keep up your social media presence! Tweet, Instagram and post to Facebook.
- Keep track of how many people you chat to during your outreach event.
- Thank the event organizers for having you
- Share your experience! Tag your service on our Ocean Service Activities map. Take photos and share them on our community space gallery, write a blog or post about your experience on the discussion board.
Ready to take it to the next level?
Host an Outreach/Career Fair in your community!
Continue to Do Sustainable Seafood Outreach »
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