Make Your Own All Purpose Cleaner
For this challenge, you will make your own household all-purpose cleaner!
More than 8 millions tonnes of plastic enter our ocean every year. Part of being ocean conscience and Plastic Wise is reducing the amount of single use plastic we consume. Across the country, more and more zero-waste stores are starting to appear. Here are just a few:
- Nada Grocery and The Soap Dispensary and Kitchen Staples (Vancouver)
- Nu Grocery (Ottawa)
- Épicerie Loco and Mega Vrac (Montreal)
- The Tare Shop (Halifax)
Even without a zero-waste grocery store in your community, there are many things you can do to reduce your single use plastic consumption. Shop bulk with reusable bulk bags, bring reusable grocery bags and only buy items that are not wrapped in single-use plastic.
What's even better than buying items? Making them yourself! You can easily make your own household cleaning products with only a few ingredients. Not only does this reduce your plastic waste but it helps keep harmful phosphates out of our oceans:
Here is what you need to do:
- Find a recipe that works for you. Here are a few ideas:
- Gather all your ingredients and a container for your all-purpose cleaner (ex. spray bottle)
- Make your home made, single use plastic free All Purpose Cleaner!
- Let us know how it goes! Was this product easy to make? Is it just as effective as a store bought item? What other household items can you make yourself (ex. Dishwashing soap, laundry detergent). Tweet, post an Instagram picture or post to Facebook using our hashtags #OceanBridge #LeadersToday and tag @OceanWise @leaderstoday and @SocDevSoc
Ready to take it to the next level?
Host a Do It Yourself workshop for your family and friends!
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