(3.) Indigenous-Led Stewardship
National Call Occurred April 7th, 2020

Nan Eli is a Nuu-chah-nulth Canadian political scientist and internationally recognized expert in bio-cultural heritage conservation. He is the President & Chief Problem Solver at The Iisaak Olam Foundation. Eli Enns is the great grandson of Na'waas'um (historian and public speaker for Wickanninish), he is a happy father and proud grandpa. Eli is also an internationally recognized expert in bio-cultural heritage conservation and Indigenous economic development. He is a nation builder and Canadian political scientist focused in constitutional law, geopolitics and ecological governance. Eli has recently joined the board of directors for the Canadian Committee for IUCN and the Canadian network of UNESCO Global Geoparks. Eli is the co-founder of the Ha’uukmin Tribal Park in the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve on Vancouver Island and the Co-Chair for The Indigenous Circle of Experts for The Pathway to Canada Target 1* (Aichi Target 11).
Eli’s most recent work with the Iisaak Olam Foundation, is to mobilize knowledge and foster capacity for the conservation of biological and cultural diversity. The three focal areas of the foundation include conservation, climate action and reconciliation. The foundation manifests its purpose through four ongoing programs that contribute to the conservation of biological and cultural diversity of Indigenous economics and reconciliation. The four programs Iisaak Olam facilitates include: IPCA Alliance, Climate Action Youth Ambassadors, Peace and Friendship Nation, and a Solutions Bundle For IPCAs. These capacity building and knowledge mobilizing initiatives provide methods for communities, organizations, and governments to contribute to a peaceful economy and take the necessary actions to advance Indigenous Protected, Conserved Areas and Tribal Parks.
*Target 1 is Canada's national initiative to conserve at least 17 per cent of our terrestrial and inland waters and 10 per cent of our marine and coastal areas through networks of protected areas and other effective area-based measures by 2020.
Conservation Focus: Climate Change, Reconciliation
National call recording: Click Here!
Password: Ringoffire2020 // Mot de passe: Ringoffire2020
French Translation Here! You will have to skip to around the 15-20 minute mark. You will want to mute the audio from the video recording and let the french translation play in the background.
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04-07 Indigenous-led Stewardship // Gérance dirigée par les Autochtones - Eli Enns Password: Ringoffire2020 // Mot de passe: Ringoffire2020 French Translation Here!...
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Submissions (1)
Tineasha Brenot Discussion post: 1792.3 days ago