(10.) Climate Change + Arctic Ecosystems
The National Call took place on Wednesday November 11th at 2:00pm CST

Born and raised in southern Ontario, John’s introduction to Arctic science was through a course during his undergraduate studies at McMaster’s University. From that single course, his fascination with the area continued into his Master’s and PhD programs at the University of Manitoba. Between his graduate degrees, he worked at the Canadian Wildlife Service for Dr. Ian Stirling, a mentor who refined his passion for studying the physical-biological coupling of the Arctic system, focusing on polar bears. In the early 2000s, he accepted an academic position at the University of Manitoba as an Instructor, developing and teaching course related to his passions – remote sensing, climate change and statistical analysis and modeling. In addition to his academic position, John has been the Executive Director of the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS) at the University of Manitoba, one of the leading Arctic research centres in Canada. As part of their vision, CEOS is engaged in outreach, bringing science to the community.
John has had the opportunity to participate in more than 10 field programs in the Arctic, working in the Beaufort Sea, Hudson Bay and Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The research he conducts in the field focuses on the relationship between the spatial and temporal distribution of snow and sea ice, climate change and marine mammals including polar bears, whales and seals. As part of this research, he uses remote sensing technologies from aircraft and satellites to measure the geophysical properties of the Arctic marine system. He has also led a number of field courses in Northern Canada and Greenland, instructing graduate students in a multidisciplinary approach to understand the Arctic system.
Outreach is an important part of being a successful scientist. This typically involves service to the research community through committees and organizations; John is a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and on the awards committee for this organization, an associate editor for the journal Arctic Science and part of the Arctic Science Partnership. More importantly though, outreach involves sharing his passion for the Arctic system. He has also been involved in a number of outreach programs, in Winnipeg, as well as throughout southern and northern Canada, working to expose high school students to the importance of Arctic science. The Arctic is a beautiful, complex and diverse region and revealing to others this unique place on Earth is critical!
Conservation Focus: Climate Change, Habitat Destruction, Pollution
The National Call took place on Wednesday November 11th at 2:00pm CST
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Pass: Ringoffire2020
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Contribute to this month's discussion topic!
From longer wildfire seasons to worsening extreme weather events and warming seas, climate change is urgent and we are all impacted by it.
-How is climate change affecting your community, what are some specific challenges your community is facing?
-What steps are being made to mitigate these impacts?
Des saisons plus longues des feux de forêt à l'aggravation des événements météorologiques extrêmes et au réchauffement des mers, le changement climatique est urgent et nous en sommes tous touchés.
-Comment le changement climatique affecte-t-il votre communauté, quels sont les défis spécifiques auxquels votre communauté est confrontée?
-Quelles mesures sont prises pour atténuer ces impacts?
Continue to (9.) Sustainable Seafood »