(8.) Deep-Sea Ecology + MPAs
National Call Occurred September 16th, 2020
Click here for the french audio! Pass: Ringoffire2020

Born in Athens, Greece, Anna’s formal oceanographic education began as an undergraduate student on a marine field course at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St Andrews, New Brunswick. After realizing her passion, Anna received her bachelor’s degree in biology from McGill University, Montreal, and a master’s degree in oceanography at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. She then moved on and received her PhD in Marine Biology at Dalhousie University, and then took postdoctoral positions at Harbour Branch in Florida, and at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts. Dr. Metaxas is currently a professor in oceanography at Dalhousie University.
Dr. Metaxas is one of only a handful of scientists in Canada who has dived in submersibles to 7,500-foot depths to study the larval life at hydrothermal vents and other extraordinary deep-sea habitats. Her research focuses on the factors that regulate populations of benthic marine invertebrates, particularly early in their life history. She uses a combination of approaches, such as field sampling, laboratory experiments and mathematical modelling, to study organisms of ecological and economic importance, including invasive species. She has worked in a variety of habitats from shallow rocky sub-tidal regions to the deep-sea, including hydrothermal vents as mentioned prior and deep-water corals, in temperate and tropical regions of the world. Moreover, Dr. Metaxas also studies biological communities associated with deep sea corals and helps her students with field work focusing on the spread of non-native marine invasive species.
The research Dr. Metaxas facilitates has important implications for marine conservation, such as the establishment and success of conservation areas for benthic populations. She is currently involved in a number of national and international initiatives, committees, and working groups that have as an ultimate goal the translation of scientific outcomes into information that is relevant to policy and ocean conservation alike.
Conservation Focus: Climate Change, Habitat Destruction, Pollution
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Taylor Jones-Arason Resource: 1650.3 days ago