(11.) Intersectional Stewardship Panel
The National Call took place on Tuesday December 15th

Anuradha Rao is a Registered Professional Biologist, writer and facilitator with a focus on marine conservation and restoration. She has worked on ecosystem-based research, conservation, mapping, planning, policy, restoration and stewardship projects with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and organizations from Canada’s three coasts, and in 12 other countries. She is the author of the non-fiction book One Earth: People of Color Protecting Our Planet (Orca Book Publishers, 2020).

Aura Lewis is a member of the Métis Nation, and is of Otipemisiwak, European, Cree and Ojibway descent. She is a cultural educator at the Cheakamus centre’s indigenous Longhouse programs and most recently a cultural facilitator for the Ocean Bridge program. She is passionate about teaching the beautifully complex indigenous food systems of North America pre-colonial impact. A lifelong learner, she loves sharing with others her knowledge of native wild edible and medicinal plants. She is extremely grateful to acknowledge her teachings from Local Elders and educators about the multifaceted uses of plant species specific to the unceded traditional territory of the Coast Salish people , where she resides as a guest. She is honoured to carry the nickname Ses’emay, which means "bee" in the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) language - it reminds her to help spread knowledge with purpose and gentleness.

Cyrielle Noël is a spatial planner, with expertise in marine and coastal environments. Being born and raised on the river island of Tiohtiá:ke (Montréal), Cyrielle is described as a soulful thalassophile who believes that spatial challenges can be mediation through careful observation and understanding of the reciprocal relationship between humans and the environment. She works as a Program Specialist for Ocean Wise and is a Global Shaper in the Montréal Hub.
Cyrielle studied International Development at McGill University. Her research was focused on sustainable development and climate change issues particularly relevant to Small Island Developing States (SIDS). As a recipient of a full Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, she graduated with merit from Radboud University with a Masters of Science in Urban and Regional Planning and from Cardiff University with a Master of Science in European Spatial Planning and Environmental Policy. In her thesis, she explored the scope for closer integration between marine spatial planning and coastal zone management practices within the context of promoting sustainable development.
Cyrielle is currently a Local Pathways Fellow. Her project is focused on examining the scope for developing blue public space within the river island’s park networks, in order to conserve sensitive coastal ecosystems while simultaneously fostering a blue generation within Montréal. Cyrielle also moonlights as a social entrepreneur and utilizes this vocation to explore solutions to global wicked problems. She founded Eau-Dacité: a small organization dedicated to exploring the nexus between sustainable development and waterway literacy. For her work in sustainable development, Cyrielle was recently recognized as a Corporate Knights’ 2020 Top 30 under 30 in Sustainability.

Betty Carpick is a creative professional and multidisciplinary artist who grew up in northern Canadian towns. She loves sharing her knowledge, ideas, skills, and enthusiasm. Betty is of Indigenous decent, from the Nelson House Cree Nation in Northern Manitoba.
With over 30 years of experience in planning communications strategies, developing creative and writing content for traditional and new media. As a multi-disciplinary artist her practice is focused on installation and performance using writing, design, photography, drawing, and art making. She’s made a sustained and visible presence particularly at the community level. Her 4-minute film, “Impersians”, is about Thunder Bay’s iconic pastry in 2014. She’s currently teaching the children's art program at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery, working on community engaged art projects for a variety of arts, education, and health organizations.
Instructions For Listening In French
(Open English link for video and mute the audio in your volume mixer to only hear the French audio!)

Step 1. - Right click on your sound tab
Step 2. - Open your volume mixer
Step 3. - Navigate to the Webex sound bar for the English audio and click the mute icon as outlined in red on step 3. When you have both calls open, two Webex sound bars will appear so try muting both to figure out which is the English and which is the French.
Join the National Call at 12:30pm PST (3:30pm EST). Click the link for access to the call!
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Caitlin Pierzchalski Resource: 1545 days ago